------ timeline

By July 31 - all individual inputs into overleaf sections are due

Throughout August -  section leaders ask individuals for modifications or more material if needed.

Throughout September - section leaders work on their own sections.

Throughout October - complete paper

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----- mechanics

Input your text, pictures and references into one or more sections into overleaf

All materical must be labeled by your name, i.e.
%alex brown
%alex brown my comments
%alex brown - I will add material on topic X by date X

Total of several paragraphs, several pictures, and references in bibtex format (per topic)

There is a large list (about 5000) of bib items in totaln.bib labeled by xxxxyyyyp where
xxxx is the first four letters of the first author name (all lower case)
yyyy is the year and
p is the page number if there is more that one paper for a given xxxxyyyy
typing \cite{ will bring up a list for "auto complete"
If it is not here add your own bib item to references,bib

Add address and funding support.

Get copyright permission for figures if needed.

If there are questions about overleaf contact Ragnar Stroberg

------ material

The purpose of this review is to provide nuclear theory input for high-impact experiments at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The content was initiated by an FRIB Theory Alliance workshop held June 6-16, 2023, at Michigan State University, where presentations were made on experimental facilities and theoretical initiatives.  This was followed by discussions on various types of observables related to nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, nuclear astrophysics and fundamental symmetries. This review summarizes the current status of nuclear theory and its connections  to planning and interpreting the select experiments that will be carried out. The need for theoretical advances, and the types of experiment that  will provide the most valuable guidance for making these advances are discussed.

For each topic consider -
What are the best high-impact programs to carry out?
What theoretical input is needed to achieve this?
What theoretical methods need to be improved or developed?
What do experiments need from theory?
What do theorists need from experiment?

structure of the overleaf white paper

--  Methods section: (Witek Nazarewicz)
    Writes about the current state of the art in theory [2 pages],
    with a slant for theoretical justifications:
    1) Shell model
    2) Ab initio
    3) DFT
    4) near threshold
    5) transport
    6) other

--  Structure section: (Alex Brown, Alex Gade)
\subsection{bulk properties, masses and radii}
\subsection{excited states, level density}
\subsection{single-particle structure}
\subsection{direct reactions and knock-out reactions}
\subsection{collective degrees of freedom, 2+ energies}
\subsection{coulex and lifetimes}
\subsection{shell effects (islands of inversion)}
\subsection{beta decay}
\subsection{charge exchange}
\subsection{proton and neutron decay}

--  Continuum section: (Kevin Fossez, Calem Hoffman)

--  Reaction mechanisms (Daniel Bazin, Jutta Escher)
    1) fission
    2) optical potentials
    3) direct reactions
    4) knock-out reactions
    5) other

--  EOS: (Agnieszka Sorensen, Kyle Brown)
--  Astro: (Nicole Vassh)
    masses, beta decay, level density, gamma strength functions, neutron capture...

--  Fundamental symmetries: (Chien-Yeah Seng, Ragnar Stroberg)

--  Experimental design: (Pablo Giuliani)