16.,8.,144.,62. 1.2,-1,1.06,0 1.81,0.205,3,1 1.66,0.11,2,0 6.13,0.733,3,1 0,0.,0.3 105.1,1.1,0.75 55.,70.,1. 30,0.05 %----------------- The first line: AP,ZP,AT,ZT The second line: RP,IVIBROTP,RT,IVIBROTT (The radius parameter used in the coupling Hamiltonian) (IVIBROT: option for intrinsic degree of freedom = -1; no excitation (inert) = 0 ; vibrational coupling = 1 ; rotational coupling IVIBROTP: for projectile excitation IVIBROTT: for target excitation) The third line: OMEGAT,BETAT,LAMBDAT,NPHONONT (if IVIBROTT=0) E2T,BETA2T,BETA4T,NROTT (if IVIBROTT=1) (Input for the target excitation) (This line is irrelevant if IVIBROTT = -1.) (NROT: the number of levels in the rotational band to be included (up to I^pi=2*NROTT+ states are included) e.g. if NROTT=2, then 0+, 2+ and 4+ in the target are included.) The 4th line: OMEGAT2,BETAT2,LAMBDAT2,NPHONONT2 (Input for target phonon excitation; the second mode of excitation. For example, the first mode (LAMBDAT) may be a quadrupole vib. and the second mode (LAMBDAT2) may be an octupole vib. in the target nucleus.) (No second target phonon excitation if NPHONONT2=0 OMEGAT2, BETAT2, and LAMBDAT2 are irrelevant if NPHONONT2=0) The 5th line: OMEGAP,BETAP,LAMBDAP,NPHONONP (if IVIBROTP=0) E2P,BETA2P,BETA4P,NROTP (if IVIBROTP=1) (Input for the projectile excitation) (This line is irrelevant if IVIBROTP = -1.) (NROT: the number of levels in the rotational band to be included (up to I^pi=2*NROTP+ states are included) e.g. if NROTP=2, then 0+, 2+ and 4+ in the projectile are included.) The 6th line: NTRANS,QTRANS,FTR (Input for pair transfer channel) (NTRANS is either 0 OR 1) No transfer ch. if NTRANS=0 QTRANS and FTR are irrelevant if NTRANS=0) (Coupling form factor: FTRANS(R)=FTR * d VN/ dR) The 7th line: V0,R0,A0 (Potential parameters) The 8th line: EMIN,EMAX,DE The 9th line: RMAX,DR