Syllabus and Course Web Site
USPAS 2024: Accelerator Physics

US Particle Accelerator School
Summer Session, July 15 - 24, 2024
Rohnert Park, CA
Sponsored by UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education
2 Week Full Course (3 units)


Prof. Steven M. Lund
Michigan State University
Physics and Astronomy Department
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
US Particle Accelerator School
517-908-7291 (office)
510-459-4045 (mobile)
Prof. Yue Hao
Michigan State University
Physics and Astronomy Department
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
812-320-7501 (mobile)
Dr. Kyung (Kilean) Hwang
Michigan State University
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)


Anthony Tran
Michigan State University
Physics and Astronomy Department
Helena Alamprese
Michigan State University
Physics and Astronomy Department


Course syllabus including purpose and audience, prerequisites, objectives, instructional method, and course contents. Additional details covering the organization of the course, distribution of course materials, and grading are covered on this web page.

USPAS Course Description (html)

Course Schedule:

The schedule will be updated during the course. Please check periodically. The schedule is organized by day and details daily coverage, assignments and due dates, and links to daily folders used to distribute class materials (lecture slides, lecture stream recordings, programs, etc). The schedule is a Excel spreadsheet and should format correctly with most browsers. Embeded daily links connect to class Google Drive folders where the class materials are stored.

Schedule (Excel Spreadsheet)

Notes and Materials for Lectures and Simulation Labs:

Lecture notes and materials will generally be posted before lectures on linked Google Drive folders in the schedule. Lecuture notes will generally be posted in pdf format. Lectures may also be stream recorded in mp4 format using Zoom software and saved on the Google Drive after lectures. Recitations will not be recorded or posted. Time permitting, corrections and additions will also be posted on the web site after lectures. Materials are organized by lecture day as detailed on the schedule linked above. Students may find touchscreen laptop computers or tablets with active pens convenient for taking notes in class on the distributed pdf files. Some students may want to print paper copies of lecture notes for note taking with conventional paper and pen. In that case, the student must print their own copies. Lectures by Yue Hao employ Jupyter notebooks with python code that can be executed within the interface. These notebooks can be accessed via the link below. Simulation labs materials can be found in linked Google Drive folders on the daily schedule or the "Simulation Labs" folder linked below. The simulation labs will employ the Poisson/Superfish and MADX codes. Use of these codes will be covered in the simulation labs.

Jupyter Notebooks (Yue Hao Lectures)
Simulation Labs (Kilean Hwang)

Supplemental Reference Texts:

Lecture notes provided will be employed for the class text. SY Lee, "Accelerator Physics" will be provided as a class text for supplemental reading. This text, and the following additional texts listed below are useful for background information, but are not required for the course:

• SY Lee, "Accelerator Physics"
• Wiedemann, "Particle Accelerator Physics"
• Wangler, "RF Linear Accelerators"
• Conte and MacKay, "An Introduction of the Physics of Particle Accelerators"
• Edwards and Syphers, "An Introduction to the Physics of High Energy Accelerators"
• Wille, "The Physics of Particle Accelerators An Introduction"
• Berz, Makino, and Wan, "An Introduction to Accelerator Physics"


Problem Sets (70% Course Grade):

Eight daily problem sets will be assigned according to the schedule above. The problem sets will be distributed in pdf format via the linked Google Drive "Problem Sets" below. Students should turn in their solutions in class the next morning before lectures begin. Solutions will distributed in class but not posted on this web site. Assigned problems will also be reviewed by the TAs in afternoon recitation sections. Students are encouraged to discuss and seek help on the problems with other students, the teaching assistants, and the lecturers, but are required to turn in their own solutions. Any resources can be used, but students are not permitted to seek and use solutions from prior versions of the course.

Problem Sets

Participation (10% Course Grade):

Participation on a daily basis (full or no credit) will be graded by the teaching assistants to evaluate this score. The score will be computed with the two lowest days removed. Full credit for the day can be achieved by a combination of: lecture attendance, asking questions in class, and attending evening homework sessions and asking questions and/or helping other students. The teaching assistants will evaluate the daily score.

Final Exam (20% Grade):

A "take home" final exam will be distributed in pdf format via the linked Google Drive "Final Exam" below. The exam will be distributed after lectures on Thursday afternoon in the 2nd week and will be due at start of lectures on the final day on Friday morning. Both course lecture notes, the student's own personal notes, and the students homework solutions can be used on the final exam. Work must be fully independent. Students are not allowed to consult others references/books outside of the course textbook, or online materials outside of those directly posted on this course web site. Only clarification questions to the lecturers and teaching assistants are permitted.

Final Exam