ISP205 Lecture #16, Feburary 29, 2001

  1. Homework Set 6: Due March 20 !
    Pick up today 
  2. Review: Rings of the Giant planets 
    1. All Giant Planets have rings; only Saturns are easily visible
    2. Rings are numerous pieces of ice, ranging in size from
      dust grains to meter sized boulders
    3. Mostly water ice (white) but organic compounds on
      surface can lead to dark rings
    4. Each particle orbits the planet like a little moon in a well
      confined plane (only 10-100 m thick)
    5. Rings are kept in place and structured by "shepards"
      1. Shepard moons within the ring systems sweep gaps
        into the rings
      2. Gravity from all moons confine little pieces to their
        orbits (and sweep them out of certain unstable orbits)
        keeping the rings in shape over time.
    6. Jupiters rings: mainly smooth dust (dark), probably from inner moons
    7. Saturns rings: Main rings A,B,C with Cassini Gap (4600 km)
      between A and B. Plus thin outer F ring.
      The A,B,C rings are very broad, very thin (~20 m)
              quite bright and easily visible from earth
      Closeup: really >1000 individual rings  (picture)
    8. Uranus rings (9 main): narrow, many meter sized boulders, hardly dust
      and very dark (among darkest objects in solar system)
    9. Neptune rings (4): very inhomogeneous (look like thin arcs)
    10. Rings are probably very young (~50 Million years old)
    11. Rings form if a massive objects forms/enters the zone
      within the tidal stability limit of a massive planet.
      The object is disrupted and the pieces form a ring
    12. Triton is on the way and might be disrupted in ~100 Mio years


  3. Titan (Saturn) (picture)
    1. Size: Slightly larger than Mercury
    2. A moon with a fuzzy, orange atmosphere that blocks
      the view on the surface.
    3. Atmospheric pressure at surface: 1.6 bar (similar to earth)
    4. Atmospheric composition: mainly Nitrogen (similar to earth)
      plus lots of compounds: CO, Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen
      cyanide ...
      Complex molecules form at high altitudes under impact
      of UV light and block view
    5. Surface temperature: constant 90 K
      (picture of surface layers)
    6. Surface images in infrared show inhomogeneous surface
    7. Ethane and Methane could form lakes, rivers, on the
      surface (maybe an ethane wheather cycle, including
      ethane rain).
    8. Visibility at surface might be good, surface illumination
      in a dark orange.
    9. The Cassini space craft is on the way to Saturn and
      will drop a probe (Huygens) to land on Titan.
      (see picture)


  4. Asteroids
    1. Asteroids are smaller objects (<1000 km) orbiting the sun
    2. First Asteroid discovered 1801 by Giovanni Piazzi
      (Ceres - biggest asteroid 933 km diameter) 
    3. More than 10000 Asteroids known (known orbits)
      (overview picture)
    4. Well known examples: (picture)
      Ceres: biggest (900 km)
      Vesta: brightest (Basalt - known from meteors)
                 (visible with naked eye)
      1998 KY26: 30 m large, but fastest spinning object in solar 
               system: 1 day on 1998KY26 lasts only 10.7 minutes.
      Eros: First asteroid visited by spacecraft
      (Redshift demo: vesta and eros today)
    5. Asteroids are concentrated: 
      (Redshift demo: Planet orbits, picture asteroid distribution)
      1. In Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
      2. The Trojans (2 groups of asteroids moving along
        with Jupiter in its orbit)
        Maybe other planets have Trojans too (Some indication
        that Mars has Trojans)
      3. Centaurs (orbiting in the Uranus/Neptune region and beyond)
      4. Some get captured by Planets and become moons:
        Like the Mars moons Deimos and Phobos (pictures)
      5. NEO's: Near Earth Objects (Asteroids) 
        1. estimated ~2000 > 1 km and potentially dangerous
        2. Orbits unstable - either ejected or crashed into 
          terrestrial planet after ~ 100 Mio years
        3. 1/4 crashes on earth - every 200000 years on average
          none of the known ones expected to crash soon !
        4. Eros is the biggest near earth asteroid.
    6. Asteroid orbits are more eccentric and inclined than planets
      orbits (Redhift Demo, include Eros)
    7. Different composition types (main types):
      1. C: Carbon Compounds with rock mixtures,
        extremely dark, 75% of all asteroids
        mostly in outer part of asteroid belt
      2. S: Silicates (Rock), mixed with metals; bright
        mostly in inner part of asteroid belt
      3. M: Metals, bright
      4. D: dark, reddish - unknown composition
        mostly at outer edge of asteroid belt and beyond
      5. There are some basalt asteroids (Vesta)
      6. Astronomers no 14 types !!!!
    8. Asteroids can have moons and partners
      (Example pictures)
    9. Eros: (pictures)
      1. S-type 
      2. Questions: are S-type asteroids fractionated in metal and silicates?
        Eros is not - metals are mixed in. 
      3. Are they a solid piece of rock or a mix of loosley 
        bound rubble ? Eros is a solid (cracked) piece.
        But: Mathilde is a mix of loosley bound rubble
      4. Is eros a piece of a crushed planet or leftover 
        "planetesimals" that never formed a planet
        Eros is a leftover planetesimal.
  5. Comets (pictures, Redshift Demo: orbits)
    1. Halley proposed 1705 that comets are members of the
      solar system, reappearing in intervals
    2. Orbits more inclined and eccentric than Asteroids
    3. 2 groups of comets:
      1. Short period (< 200 years)
        example: Halley - 76 years
      2. Long period
        example: Hale Bopp - 2380 years
    4. Comet periods change slightly because of influence of
      giant planets gravity
    5. Comet components: (picture, Redshift demo)
      1. Nucleus
        1. in 1986 3 spacecraft had close encounters with Comet Halley
          Giotto took image of nucleus ~1000 km away (picture)
        2. size: 6x10 km
        3. Mix of (silicate) rock dust and water ice (dirty snowball model)
      2. Coma
        1. Heat from sun evaporates water and releases dust
          forming a huge cloud around the comet
        2. size: ~100,000 km
        3. Sunlight disintegrates water into H and O
          H-cloud can be larger than the sun (Halley)
      3. Dust tail
        1. Solar wind pushes dust away from the comet producing
          a dust tail
        2. Dust gets on individual orbit around the sun
          because dust is further away it has longer period than comet
          and lags behind (bend)
        3. In 1910 the earth passed through the tail of Halleys
          comet - lots of excitement but nothing happened (too thin)
      4. Ion tail
        1. Radiation from the sun ionizes some material
        2. Ions are pushed away as well, but follow the magnetic
          field lines of the solar system (straight line
          away from the sun)
    6. Fate of comets
      1. Comets typically survive only a few 1000 orbits
        because they lose material each time
      2. Some comets crash into planets
        1. Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter in 1994 (pictures)
        2. Comets might be origin of water on earth;
          maybe also of organic compounds critical
          for the formation of life
    7. Origin of Comets
      1. Because of their "short" lifetime there must be a
        continuous supply of comets
      2. Short period comets come from the Kuiper belt and get
        kicked towards the sun by impacts or gravity of the
        giant planets. Contains ~200 Mio Comets
        Some larger Kuiper belt objects have been found: (picture)
      3. Long period comets come from Oort Cloud, ~1ly away
        from sun (Contains ~10 Trillion Comets) (picture)
        1. Formed from icy objects around giant planets that
          were ejected
        2. "Comets" orbit Oort cloud since 4.5 billion years,
          but get kicked towards the sun by the gravity
          influence of nearby stars