2004 Annual Workshop

Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research
Oak Ridge,TN
March 17 - 19, 2004


Michael Bender (Seattle)
Artur Blazkiewicz (Vanderbilt)
Piotr Borycki (UT)
Frank S. Dietrich (Livermore)
Jacek Dobaczewski (UT/ORNL/Warsaw)
Jonathan Engel (Chapel Hill)
Andrius Juodagalvis (ORNL/UT)
Peter Moller (LANL)
Joachim A. Maruhn (Frankfurt)
Nicolas Michel (UT/ORNL)
Takashi Nakatsukasa (Tsukuba)
Witek Nazarewicz (UT/ORNL)
Volker Oberacker (Vanderbilt)
Erich Ormand (Livermore)
Thomas Papenbrock (ORNL/UT)
Hiroyuki Sagawa (Aizu)
Arnold J. Sierk (LANL)
Mario Stoitsov (UT/ORNL/Sofia)
Guergana Stoitcheva (ORNL)
Andrzej Staszczak (UT/ORNL/Lublin)
Jun Terasaki (Chapel Hill)
Sait Umar (Vanderbilt)
Satoshi Yoshida (Hosei)
Walid Younes (Livermore)

The workshop is partialy supported by the grant from the National Nuclear Security Administration,the JIHIR and ORNL


Nazarewicz Welcome
Dobaczewski Nuclear energy density functional
Yoshida Neutron skin thickness and equation of state in asymmetric nuclear matter
Stoitsov Recent developments in large-scale HFB calculations for deformed nuclei
Borycki Ground state correlations in HFB
Umar HFB
Bender Ground-state correlations and spectroscopy from configuration mixing of symmetry-restored HFB states
Younes Application of the surrogate method to actinide (n,f) cross sections
Dietrich Brief comments on radiative capture at low energies in the presence of fission
Moller Exploring high-dimensional fission potential energy surfaces: Important issues and lessons learned
Staszczak Microscopic and dynamical description of the nuclear fission process
Maruhn TDHF for collisions near the Coulomb barrier
Ormand Universal scaling parameters for the giant-dipole resonance in hot nuclei
Terasaki QRPA calculation using Skyrme and delta-pairing forces